In this section you will find the answers to the main and most common questions that our guests ask us when they book.
Ciao Bella by Horizon is located in Riomaggiore, the first village of Cinque Terre coming from La Spezia. Are you arriving by car or by train? Follow our instructions..
Riomaggiore is a village closed to traffic and parking a car is neither easy nor obvious. Book our private parking or follow our advice on where to leave your car.
We are waiting for you to check in and hand over the keys. Once you arrive in Riomaggiore, find our office by following these simple directions.
Timetables, methods and other information to organize your arrival and departure (for example, if you plan to arrive later than the allowed time or if you want to leave your luggage with us a few hours before leaving)..
Cinque Terre is a wonderful place but upon your arrival you may find some difficulties if you travel with heavy luggage. So here are our most dispassionate advice.
Cinque Terre is a wonderful place but upon your arrival you may find some difficulties if you travel with heavy luggage. So here are our most dispassionate advice.